Friday, September 3, 2010

Anticipation, Excitement.

"I can hardly wait to return to my photographs of clouds and my essay on rain."

-Leslie Marmon Silko

I love this quote from Silko's introduction into "Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit", a book of short stories about the surrounding landscape of New Mexico.

Her excitement leaks off the page and into my skin. It is the last line before she begins to write away at her writing desk, taking pictures in the hills around her house, of rocks and sagebrush. Of things that smell grayed around the edges from sun.

I hope I can do her justice this year.

1 comment:

nate said...

I love the feeling of anticipation before you dive into a writer who's in the business of speaking directly to you.

Also, "things that smell grayed around the edges from sun" is brilliant.